
A Contactless Restaurant Ordering System

Increase your front of house efficiency, ensure your customer's safety and improve your bottom line.

Faster Table Turnover

Customers can immediately place orders and request a check without waiting for their server.

Increase Check Sizes

Customers can add an item to their tab at any time. Customers can place more orders with a few simple taps on their smartphones.

Improve Staff Efficiency

Increase front and back of the house synergy by having customers send their order directly to the kitchen


The Tablenu Process

We keep the process simple to increase speed!


Step 1

Customer scans a QR code at their table with their smartphone.


Step 2

They browse your menu and place orders without downloads or creating an account.


Step 3

They send their order directly to the kitchen and can continue doing so at any time.


Step 4

Customers can either request a server to close out their bill, or simply close out on their smartphone in their own time.


Choose Your Own Setup

No expensive proprietary hardware is required, Tablenu runs on any modern internet-capable device. That means we run on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and even Smart TVs!

Dynamic QR Codes

  • Generate as many QR codes as you need with our software
  • Assign a unique QR code to each table at your restaurant
  • QR Codes can be easily downloaded and printed

Manage Tables and Orders

Tablenu’s overview screen allows you to easily see which tables are occupied and active. Detailed information is displayed for each table, including what items have been ordered or canceled, meal customization details, and order status (i.e. pending, in-progress, ready, served).

Kitchen Display Screen (KDS)

The KDS helps optimize kitchen staff efficiency by:

  • Grouping orders to each table and by type (appetizers, entrees, dessert, etc.
  • Displaying timers to show how long an order took to be fulfilled or has been unfulfilled
  • Allowing for an order’s status to be changed from pending, in-progress, or ready with a simple tap or double-tap.

Stripe Integration

Tablenu integrates with Stripe! We support mobile payments as well as Stripe terminal payments. Our application fee for terminal and mobile payments is 0.2% per transaction. Use of this integration is completely optional however, without it Tablenu will not be able to process payments for your restaurant.



Checkout the latest news and research into the restaurant technology space.

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Contactless Point of Sales Systems as a Longterm Investment

A contactless point of sales (POS) system like Tablenu and the benefits it offers during the pandemic are apparent. These benefits range anywhere from mitigating customer and server physical interactions, to eliminating the need for unsanitary paper menus. And while amidst the pandemic such benefits are welcomed, it may leave some restaurant owners wondering if contactless POS systems are merely a covid bandaid, or if they’ll also have benefits post-covid.

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Addressing Concerns About Contactless Ordering

In this everchanging world amidst COVID-19, businesses and customers alike are contending with new rules and regulations; the dining industry is no exception to these circumstances. These rules have manifested in ways such as reduced occupancy of restaurants, a finite amount of time to finish a meal, and even partitions being placed between tables to name a few. However, the biggest change is at the core of the dining experience, server-to-diner interactions, instead of this traditional model a shift towards contactless dining is becoming more and more widespread.

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Contactless Ordering Options for Restaurants

With the effects of COVID-19 still being felt worldwide, the restaurant industry continues to deal with capacity restrictions, labor shortages, and safety issues. When it comes to handling customer concerns regarding sanitation and safety in particular, restaurants have adopted a couple of different solutions. Some have begun using disposable menus while many others have transitioned to QR-based menus and ordering systems. These contactless solutions vary in complexity and range from simple PDF menus to web-apps with in-depth features that allow users to place orders and pay directly from their phones.

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We'll answer your questions and give you a brief walk through of Tablenu.

Our Location

Saugus, MA,
United States

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Office: ‪(781) 816-9613‬